Join us to learn about the Clayton Comprehensive Plan and share your opinions on what makes our town special, while enjoying a free spaghetti dinner with your neighbors.
When: November 6th at 6:30 p.m. at the Clayton Fire Hall
What is a Comprehensive Plan? The Comprehensive Plan outlines goals and recommendations for our town’s future. Do you have ideas for improving the downtown? Should we expand the town boundaries? Do you want more walking trails and sidewalks? The comprehensive plan uses your input to influence town policies and actions. This plan update will reevaluate the town’s policies on growth and development and guide future projects that positively impact our town’s look, feel, and function.
In addition, the Town together with the Dover/Kent County MPO and their planning partner Century Engineering, A Kleinfelder Company will present their recommendations to improve Wheatley’s Pond Rd and School Ln, S. Bassett St, and S. Rodney St intersections to provide safe vehicle and pedestrian movement in those areas.